
I loved this book. A Little Princess, I mean or in case you forgot. I almost did. I know we’re eleven days into July and I’m like an absent, neglectful parent of this blog and I’d feel sorry for that but I don’t see a point to feeling sorry. There’s a lot going on and not to say that this isn’t important (it is!) but it’s not as high up on the list as you might like to believe.

My foot is asleep.

Reading A Little Princess (on one of my friends’ list of books, by the by) was the first time in a long time that I read a children’s’ book that didn’t make me feel like a child. Incidentally, I do not read a large amount of children’s books but this one brought back something of a Harry Potter feeling. I love coming across an author who doesn’t dumb things down for us young ‘uns. I really enjoyed A Little Princess and not just because I admired Sara’s composure or because of the rounded cast of characters. It was just a good story. Somewhat, anticlimactic at the end, but I dealt with it. Don’t we all wish we were the strong, mature type who overcame poverty and adversity and imagined ourselves a better present and had it all turn out lovely in the end?

When you think about it, being a princess is freaking hard. I mean, you’ve got to be cordial and polite to everyone, no matter who idiotic or vindictive they are. Needless to say, I am filled with respect for Sara. She’s going on my list of heroes. It’s not a long list but she’s on it. I’ve actually been trying to channel her energy. It’s not really working but I think about it sometimes. What Would Sara Do? As I said, being a princess is hard. At least we all have something to aspire to.

A Little Princess is an amazing novel. It’s inspiring and well written and not the least bit patronizing. Thank you Frances Hodgson Burnett for writing something meaningful intended for children. It’s means a lot.

Next book is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. I’ve heard only good things about Mark Twain and I shall not be disappointed. In theory.

~ by mysticsquirrel on July 11, 2010.

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